Translated resources

Discover a collection of translated resources to help you quit and stay quit.

Get help to quit

Quit support services are proven to help people quit – both smoking and vaping – no matter how long you’ve been doing it.

Join the thousands of Australians who are giving up for good by talking to your doctor or accessing the range of quit support services available, including:

Vaping. Are you really choosing anymore? – 30 seconds 

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Vaping. Are you really choosing anymore? – 15 seconds 

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Fact sheets

Give up smoking for good

Learn more about the harms of smoking, how to quit and support options to help you give up for good.

Find out more

Smoking and quitting FAQs

These frequently asked questions provide information on smoking and quitting, including how smoking affects your physical and mental health, and those around you. They also contain information on how to quit and support resources.

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Give up vaping for good

Learn more about the harms of vaping, how to quit and support options to help you give up for good.

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Vaping and quitting FAQs

These frequently asked questions provide information on vaping and quitting, including how vaping affects your physical and mental health. They also contain information on how to quit and support resources.

Find out more

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